Develop a fabulously successful group & private coaching business supporting women’s voices, and live a lifestyle you LOVE.

Watch a WomanSpeak Circle in action (with 88 women!).
Get a feel for the powerful work you will lead
as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader.

“This year, the income I have been generating from my WomanSpeak programs surpassed the six figure mark. I love the transformation and value this work provides!”

Chantal Roelofs

You are invited to a cutting edge, in-depth coaching training program for working with women in groups and one-on-one in developing their leadership, messaging, public speaking, and keynote talks.

I developed this professional training program because I want you to experience the joy and prosperity that I’ve experienced this last decade in working privately and in groups with women to support their messages and voices.

Here’s the Background

For 10 years, I have been blessed to have a private and group coaching practice supporting influential women thought leaders, celebrities, authors, CEOs, and coaches in their public speaking, in clarifying their messaging, and in writing talks that have won them standing ovations and catalyzed increased influence with their voices & work.

They have come to me because my approach is unorthodox, and because it works.

I’ve loved the intimacy and transformational power of this work.

And I’ve loved how well it’s paid me.

You see, 15 years ago, I was completely broke.

I remember the police once put the “boot” on the wheel of my old VW Rabbit, preventing me from driving, because I had so many outstanding parking tickets that I simply couldn’t pay.

I was in debt and struggling.

And then, I had a major breakthrough 11 years ago.

I emerged in my own work as a speaker and spoken word artist in San Francisco, and a following began to develop around my message.

After hearing me speak, women began coming up to me and asking me,

“How did you do that? How did you captivate the entire audience? I could have heard a pin drop! You were magnetizing.

I have a message in me too. I’m struggling to get it out. It hurts to have it stuck inside. Can you help me?” 

What I taught them was very unconventional, but it worked.

In the first 3 months of my work, I was working with a TED speaker and a CNN Hero on their talks and their public speaking.

They had incredible stories but they were terrified and awkward in their speaking.

In our work together, I taught them my unique energy practices and I wrote their talks.

Those talks turned out amazing, and the women were dynamite on stage.

Their speaking careers catapulted.

And word began to spread of my work.

I didn’t even have a website for the first nearly two years of my work.

I didn’t need to because people were talking.

Clients shared with other women about my unusual energetic and somatic techniques for supporting women in finding the freedom to speak up authentically and powerfully.

They shared about my knack for writing talks that moved audiences to tears and wild applause.

I was soon filled-to-capacity in my private coaching practice.

I began running group training events supporting women in their public speaking.

Women began spreading the word of the radical safety and fun of these groups and the unconventional yet highly effective practices I taught.

Soon, those too were filled to capacity and I began traveling around the world leading my group programs for women.

In my first year, I made high 5 figures from private & group coaching. In year two, I made 6 figures.

I then raised my rates every year, and my income increased year over year.

This income allowed me to grow my business, get myself out of debt, travel, and buy myself some nice stuff…things I couldn’t do before.

It allowed me to only have to work 1-3 days per week for the two years after my kid was born because my one-day and three-day private intensives provided so well for me.

It allowed me to leave an empty marriage with a young baby and know that I would be okay financially.

It allowed me then to bootstrap the launch of my company WomanSpeak, and to fund the growth of our speaking circles that are now all over the world.

It allowed me to have the funds to start my own second Airbnb business.

It has allowed me to travel the planet working with women all across the US, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and Singapore….

and for the last two years, to have a private practice working with women internationally over zoom.

Just from private coaching, not counting my other group programs, retreats, or income from our WomanSpeak Circles, I have made multiple 6 figures per year.

I cannot tell you how much I have loved having this career.

It has filled my soul.

It’s supported the incredible success of the women I coach and write talks for.

And it’s been an absolute blessing financially.

Working with women privately and in such safe and joyful WomanSpeak Circles over the years in supporting them to find total freedom to share their voices, to clarify their messages and to write incredible talks for stages like TED, TEDx, the American Heart Association, the United Nations, Emerging Women, Bioneers, Wisdom 2.0, Harvard, Kate Spade Corporate, Women @ Microsoft, and other powerful platforms has been a blessing!

And I want to share the blessing of this work with you so YOU can develop your own lucrative private & group practice supporting women’s voices, messages and leadership.

“My experience as a WomanSpeak Coach has been one of the most rewarding and inspiring of my career.  As a WomanSpeak Coach I have the great opportunity to hear the stories of women who I admire, who inspire me, who are making a difference in the world. This work has helped me grow my skills as a coach and I’ve deepened into my gifts and healing abilities.”

Yvette Givvin

Let me ask you…

Are you tired of doing work you don’t truly love?

Do you feel stressed and dissatisfied with your income?

Do you believe deeply in the need for women’s voices and leadership to rise, and wish that you could do work devoted to supporting women…and be financially successful at it?

Do you wish that you could have a lucrative and joyful group & private practice supporting women in public speaking, clarifying their messages, and writing the kind of talks that cause people to jump up to their feet in raucous applause, tears and cheers?

Do you wish you could have someone train you to be incredibly successful in this work and provide you with a clear step-by-step plan to building a thriving private & group coaching practice supporting women’s voices and leadership?

Do you want to make a profound difference in a career that you absolutely love supporting women’s voices….while also supporting yourself financially in the lifestyle you truly want?

The women’s leadership and messaging development field is growing like wildfire and in need of trained, talented and inspiring professionals.

There is enormous success to be had in having group public speaking programs and a private practice working one-on-one with women in developing their thought leadership platforms, writing inspiring talks, and in owning their voice and leadership.

You are officially invited to become a WomanSpeak Circle Leader & a WomanSpeak Coach and support the rise of women’s voices

Women are Brilliant

They have the ideas and wisdom necessary to move our world forward in positive and powerful ways.

They long to be seen and heard and to contribute on far reaching levels.

But even women in top leadership positions feel held back in sharing their voices and in being seen and heard.

Most professional leadership and public speaking coaching that is available to women still follows an outdated model of using a more masculine approach to taking up space, sharing their voices and being influential.

There is little support for women in learning how to feel safe in their own bodies and how to speak and lead effectively from the depth of wisdom and intelligence that lives inside of them.

However, the demand for this kind of support and coaching for women is growing…

And WomanSpeak is here to meet that need.

The WomanSpeak method is renowned for not only supporting women in rewiring their nervous systems so that speaking publicly in any situation becomes an experience of safety, authenticity, power and clarity….

but also in supporting women in developing messaging that is clear, real, effective, and radically inspiring.

I have helped hundreds of women in becoming extraordinary speakers and in becoming known, respected and influential leaders with compelling messages.

You can help women have this kind of transformation and success too!

And you can make a great living and have a lifestyle you love doing it.

Doesn’t that sound AMAZING?!

Discover how you can create a career using the WomanSpeak coaching methodology & business teachings to provide group experiences & high-level private coaching that frees women’s voices, unleashes their messages & leadership, and provides you with deep fulfillment.

WomanSpeak Presents

What will you be able to do
this training?

Become a part of the extraordinary WomanSpeak movement, which provides the most innovative, effective public speaking training for women speakers & leaders in the world.

You will be able to support women in your WomanSpeak Circle in healing from the fear, self doubt, shame and resistance that holds them back from sharing their voices and their messages, and walk with them on a path to reclaiming their total liberation, internal safety, confidence and joy in speaking up, sharing their stories & ideas, and being seen and being heard.

You will be able to confidently guide women in rewiring their nervous systems for safety, connection and deep self worth, leaving them free to speak up authentically anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

You will be prepared with everything you need to know to start your business as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader, leading successful WomanSpeak Circles in your community. (Yep. That’s right. We’ll teach you how to get paid to do this work. And did we mention how fun it is?)

You will become part of a diverse and multi-talented community of WomanSpeak Circle Leaders. You don’t need any formal leadership experience or public speaking experience to be successful.

You will be able to hold your WomanSpeak Circles online, in your living room, your local community center, in office meeting rooms after hours…anywhere with enough space to hold up to 20 women.

You can run your WomanSpeak Circles online or in person following a 16-month program design, a six week Circle program, or a full day intensive. (We’ll teach you the ins and outs of each of these in our training program). There are so many options! 

Your WomanSpeak Circle members can join at any time and pay a membership fee to participate, which you earn in full as the Circle Leader.

You can build your WomanSpeak Circle (or Circles) to provide you with meaningful recurring revenue each month.

You receive in-depth online and live training, mentor support, and a rich community of other WomanSpeak Circle Leaders committed to supporting one another in their success.

We provide you with all the curriculum and training videos for your WomanSpeak Circle members – you simply must provide leadership and a safe and supportive space for them to practice by learning the trademark methods of facilitation that have made WomanSpeak so popular and such a success.

We teach you essential facilitation practices for running your circles, marketing, and more.

You will be part of an international movement committed to supporting other women in becoming powerful, effective speakers and leaders… and to having fun in the process!

Hear from Circle Leaders About the
Power & Caliber of This Work:

“Being a WomanSpeak Circle Leader has given me the opportunity to hold space for a level of transformation and growth that inspires ME every time I lead my Circle! I have benefitted from the deepest wisdom that the women in my Circle have to share, and the work that they are doing gives me a regular dose of the hope, resilience and sense of possibility that exists inside all women.”

Vivian Best

WomanSpeak Circle Leader , Austin, Texas

“How do I even begin to describe the extraordinary gift of witnessing the birth of a woman’s voice. As a WomanSpeak Coach, my favorite thing about leading this work is the way each woman gets to uniquely bring all of who she is to the microphone.

As a result of leading this work, I witness growth before my eyes. Not only in my clients, but also in myself. I too have spoken up more and opened to being more visible. The WomanSpeak tools have greatly helped me in clarifying my own message and trusting the wisdom of my body.”

Bernadette Pleasant

WomanSpeak Circle Leader & WomanSpeak Coach, New York

What will you be able to do
this training?

You will be able to take your business and practice deeper by offering private public speaking, speech writing, message & thought leadership development coaching to women.

You will be able to recognize the unique energetic pattern that exists in each woman’s body that creates awkwardness, hesitancy or a “performance mask” in her speaking, and know exactly what to do and what practices to use to help her to “relax out” of those patterns…so she becomes a naturally grounded, embodied, authentic and powerful public speaker and communicator.

You will be deeply trained in WomanSpeak’s advanced feminine energy cultivation practices, allowing you to guide your clients through these practices into greater presence, groundedness, and authentic power in their speaking and leadership.

You will be able to support your private clients in fully trusting themselves and their own voices, so they can become the kind of speakers that can open the room with the mere power of their presence, and speak spontaneously in the moment with clear intent.

You will be able to work with women to draw out the most honest, brilliant and compelling ideas within them, understand exactly how those ideas fit and weave together, develop their stories so they utterly captivate,  and fully clarify their messaging.

You will become trained in creating a thought leadership messaging platform for your clients that is authentic, engaging and that gets them known for their ideas.

You will be able to support your clients in being so clear in their own messaging that they are free, confident and prepared to easily spread their ideas on social media, be brilliantly prepared for podcast interviews, give career changing presentations at work & phenomenally inspiring keynote talks on major stages, and develop a devoted following around their work.

You will become skilled in creating Podcast Interview One-Sheets for your clients, a one page marketing asset (which includes your clients story, key ideas they will share on interviews and potential questions interviewers can ask)  that your clients will send out to pitch themselves for podcasts.

You will be able to craft a 6-12 month individual communication plan for each client, allowing her to consistently spread her message and establish a successful thought leadership platform for her business.

You will be totally prepared and trained to help your clients write the kind of keynote talks that earn them standing ovations and that catapult their careers.

You will have developed your own natural art in writing inspiring talks and presentations, and will know how to create both short and long form talks that make people laugh, move them to tears, and have them thinking for days about what they heard.

You will know how to create compelling content for slides for your clients’ talks, adding an element of engagement and power to their storytelling and presentations.

You will be able to support your clients in being clear and captivating unscripted speakers that can also deliver “True North Style Talks” – talks that are spontaneous and unplanned but have clear intent.

You will be able to confidently lead 2 hour, 1 day, week long and 3-6 month intensives for your clients, with curriculum you can follow step by step, ensuring you confidence and success in delivering incredible value from the moment you start private coaching as a WomanSpeak Coach.

Hear from Private Clients About
the Power & Caliber of This Work:

“I knew when I heard her speak at TEDxWomen SF that she was my speaking coach. Like so many angels who have shown up in my life, there she was to usher me into claiming my voice, as a woman, a New York Times Bestselling Author and as the matriarch to the Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff legacy.

KC taught me how to write and powerfully deliver an impactful speech for The American Heart Association, where I was the lead keynote speaker for 2012, a recent TEDx talk and many others.

I adore her for many reasons. Among them, my ability to be authentic to my message while standing on the platform my husband left for me.”

Kristine now has a movie being made about her life and her story on LIFETIME TELEVISION: The Kristine Carlson Story, coming out Fall 2021,with Heather Locklear playing Kristine.

~ Kristine Carlson – New York Times Bestseller, Speaker and Co-Author (along with her late husband, Richard Carlson) of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series, the number #1 top selling self help book series in history.

“I have to say that I wouldn’t nail Fox News Channel hits each week without KC. She helped me discover what was holding me back, worked me through it almost overnight, and truly helped me capture the essence of who I am and express it. I’m definitely a fan!”

~ Kim McNicolasEmmy Award Winning Journalist as seen on Forbes, Fox News Channel, CNN, Comcast Sports, KRON & more.

“I cannot say enough about working with KC. My message is clarified, my talk feels like an expression of my soul, and I know this is only the beginning of the message going out into the world!”

Since working with KC and clarifying her message, Amber landed multiple $20k+ speaking gigs for major companies and conferences, has developed a 300k+ following on instagram, landed three 6 figure book deals, and receives frequent high level opportunities to spread her message on virtual and live event platforms.”

~ Amber Rae –Author of International Bestseller, “Choose Wonder Over Worry.”

“Doing this work was truly extraordinary and exceeded my expectations. What a gift I gave myself.

KC Baker’s ability to listen to both the said and unsaid allows a speaker’s Truth to be delicately extracted…as if mining for the diamond that lives in all of us.

As a result of working with KC, I not only gave a great talk—I birthed the stories that live in my body. I found my unique way of storytelling.

I’ve now landed countless speaking opportunities in stages and podcasts, have become a resident speaker & teacher for the Shift Network (with over a million followers), and have enormous opportunities in development right now for major platforms. One of which will spread my message to over 86,000,000 viewers! That’s a lot of zeros.

And I’m ready, because of this work I have done with KC and WomanSpeak.”

~ Bernadette Pleasant –Speaker & Creator of Femme!,

Speak your truth and live into your greatest potential and contribution as you support other women in doing the same in their own lives.

With the WomanSpeak Circle Leader
& Coach Training, you can:

Learn and coach virtually (or in person) from anywhere in the world

Be in charge of your own schedule

Be your own boss

Be able to confidently lead 16 month, 6 week and 1 day group programs in your WomanSpeak Circles, AND  2 hour, 1 day, week long, and 3-6 month private intensives for your private coaching clients, with curriculum you can follow step by step (or modify with your own intuitive practices or other modalities), ensuring you confidence and success in delivering incredible value from the moment you start group & private coaching as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach

Integrate your own practices and innate healing and coaching work into your private practice as a WomanSpeak Coach, so you can offer your unique style of coaching to your clients

Feel completely supported by my team and a deeply celebratory community of women from around the world who share your stand for women’s voices and are committed to seeing you shine and succeed

Your Own Journey is Crucial to Becoming A Confident & Successful WomanSpeak Coach

In order to become a truly great coach supporting women’s voices, leadership and messaging, you must do this work for your own voice.

Far too many coaches are out there who haven’t fully done the work for themselves, leaving them feeling insecure and held back in building their coaching practice. They also just can’t deliver the depth and quality of support their clients need.

So, it’s crucial you walk this journey fully for yourself first.

In this program, you are going to practice, embody and deliver every thing that we are going to train you to do for your private clients.

This will help you to fully understand the entire WomanSpeak method of coaching, so you can show up confidently and masterfully for your clients.

Liberate yourself and become skilled in authentically sharing your own voice, story and message …. while being deeply supported by me, my top trainers and our extraordinary community.

As part of our most advanced group of women speakers, you will go on a journey that supports you in….

Freeing yourself from any shame, fear, self doubt or holding back in sharing your own voice

Going deep to mine the diamonds of your own wisdom, ideas and story to fully clarify the message that lives within you

Fully understanding how all the ideas and stories in your message fit together and build upon one another, in a process called “The Lineage of Your Ideas”

Write and deliver the talk that you were born to give, and be wildly cheered on by women around the world in our WomanSpeak Community

Transform any fears and self doubts about your sharing your message and being visible into freedom and deep self trust

Develop your own Podcast One Sheet, so you are ready to pitch yourself for podcast interviews and build a following around your own work and coaching practice

Learning how to pitch yourself for stage, virtual and podcast speaking engagements, and land gigs that can get you heard & known for your work and attract clients

Learning exactly what to do to funnel audience members from your speaking engagements and podcast interviews into becoming members of your list and your clients

Develop your own 6 month communication plan to spread and share your message, so you build an audience around your message and prepare to market and enroll your private coaching clients

Supporting women in your group & private coaching practice to unleash the brilliance of their voices and become known for their ideas is fulfilling AND very financially rewarding…

I want you to imagine this….

Imagine seeing a woman who has been terrified of public speaking finally feel safe to stand in front of the group of women in your Circle and share her story and her ideas.

Imagine the wild cheers and applause of all the women in your Circle as a woman finishes sharing her first talk ,and as a result, owns the value of her voice for the first time.

Imagine hearing the news that that same woman has now given a phenomenal presentation at her company  – and that she credits you and your WomanSpeak Circle for her transformation and success.

Imagine her now hiring you to spend three months working privately with you to write the talk she has been dreaming of giving for a huge industry conference…one that could change the course of her life and career.

Imagine your dream client showing up to your session, and feeling deeply confident and filled with passion for the work you are about to do together.

Imagine the joy of going deep with her into her story and the extraordinary well of wisdom within her.

Imagine the breakthrough she has in her time with you, as you help her to unlock a place within her that has been holding her back in her speaking and self expression.

Imagine her delivering the talk she has been aching to give – that you helped write – and the wild applause, utter triumph and delight when she shares her last brilliant line.

Imagine the extraordinary success that comes her way from the compelling message she shares so fully and passionately…and that you have played an essential part in her rise and glory.

Imagine how awesome it feels to be paid thousands of dollars for providing this life and career changing work to your client…(who has probably now become your dear friend as that’s how intimate and transformative this work can be.)

Let me tell you:

Women deeply desire this kind of support. 

They need it in these times where they are being called forth take their communities higher.

And they will invest their financial resources for strong coaching and guidance to get them the clarity and power they need to reach influence and success.

Not only that – companies will pay for their women employees to have the kind of cutting-edge leadership & communication coaching that you will be trained to provide as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach.

In fact, companies are investing more than ever for leadership and development training for their women employees.

It’s a wide open field with ever
increasing demand, making this the
perfect time to get trained and start a
business as a WomanSpeak
Circle Leader & Coach.

“To witness one of my women clients go from shaking, reading her words, and making no eye contact with her audience in the beginning of our work – to rocking the stage as a keynote speaker at a leadership conference in front of a thousand others (with a standing ovation on top of their seats!), with another beautiful soul going onto rock a TEDx speech, and many others going onto start and lead their businesses to new heights of success. has been a lifetime highlight for me”

~ Chantal Roelofs

The Program at a Glance

There are TWO tracks for
professional development
training with WomanSpeak.

Become a WomanSpeak Circle
Leader and a WomanSpeak Coach

Track 1 is a 14-month long professional training program that will support the development of your own voice, leadership and messaging, but that will leave you completely prepared and confident to start your own successful business as a WomanSpeak Circle Leader & a WomanSpeak Coach and work with women in groups and intensively one-on-one.

There are three components to
completing your WomanSpeak
Circle Leader & WomanSpeak
Coach Training:

The WomanSpeak Circle Leader Training Program  (required prerequisite)- This is where you will become skilled in leading WomanSpeak’s renowned group facilitation public speaking and transformational practices.

The WomanSpeak Mastermind (required prerequisite)– This is where you will walk fully through WomanSpeak’s highly unique and powerful public speaking, messaging & thought leadership development and talk writing processes for your own voice (which will allow you to be able to confidently & masterfully guide others along the same journey, and prepare you to go out and market yourself to build your coaching practice).

The WomanSpeak Coach Training Program – The last leg of your journey where you will be deeply trained in learning how to coach other women privately in our advanced public speaking and transformational work, and our unique & effective methodologies in message development, thought leadership branding, and in writing memorable and influential world & career changing keynotes & presentations.

OPTIONAL: In-person week-long training retreat with KC in Sedona Arizona

Here is the deeper breakdown of
each leg of
your journey to becoming
a WomanSpeak Circle Leader & a WomanSpeak Coach:

The WomanSpeak Circle Leader Training Program – 8 weeks

This is our renowned program that trains women in our group facilitation practices for running a WomanSpeak Circle virtually or in person.

In this program you will learn WomanSpeak’s unique & highly effective public speaking practices.

You will learn how to support women in a group setting in finding the internal safety, freedom, skill and confidence to share their voices publicly, in their companies and even in one-on-one conversations.

Running a WomanSpeak Circle is a fantastic way to market and build your private client roster as a WomanSpeak Coach.

Structure: Weekly training calls with WomanSpeak Trainers, practice groups for practicing running your WomanSpeak Circles, a strong and active private Facebook community, and an online suite of weekly training videos and step-by-step curriculum.

The WomanSpeak Mastermind – 6 months

This life changing program will take you on the journey to clarifying your OWN message and moving through internal blocks to sharing your voice, so that you can confidently and masterfully guide women through the same process.

You will also become trained in how to then go out and land podcast and stage speaking engagement so you can build an audience around your message and a thriving private client business. 

In this program you will clarify your message and learn how to say it in a way that magnetizes people’s listening.

You will transform any fear, holding back or self doubt about sharing your own message and voice.

You will get fully ready to rock podcast interviews by creating your podcast One Sheet and doing “mock” interviews.