Julie Wood
Chantal Roelofs
Karen Fitzgerald
Megan Arneson
Become A WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach!
Become A WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach!
“This year, the income I have been generating from my WomanSpeak programs surpassed the six figure mark. I love the transformation and value this work provides!”
“My experience as a WomanSpeak Coach has been one of the most rewarding and inspiring of my career. As a WomanSpeak Coach I have the great opportunity to hear the stories of women who I admire, who inspire me, who are making a difference in the world. This work has helped me grow my skills as a coach and I’ve deepened into my gifts and healing abilities.”
“Doing this work was truly extraordinary and exceeded my expectations. What a gift I gave myself.
KC Baker’s ability to listen to both the said and unsaid allows a speaker’s Truth to be delicately extracted…as if mining for the diamond that lives in all of us.
As a result of working with KC, I not only gave a great talk—I birthed the stories that live in my body. I found my unique way of storytelling.
I’ve now landed countless speaking opportunities in stages and podcasts, have become a resident speaker & teacher for the Shift Network (with over a million followers), and have enormous opportunities in development right now for major platforms. One of which will spread my message to over 86,000,000 viewers! That’s a lot of zeros.
And I’m ready, because of this work I have done with KC and WomanSpeak.”
“To witness one of my women clients go from shaking, reading her words, and making no eye contact with her audience in the beginning of our work – to rocking the stage as a keynote speaker at a leadership conference in front of a thousand others (with a standing ovation on top of their seats!), with another beautiful soul going onto rock a TEDx speech, and many others going onto start and lead their businesses to new heights of success. has been a lifetime highlight for me”
“As a recently divorced single mother the income I make as a WomanSpeak Coach has been crucial on my journey to financial independence.”
“How do I even begin to describe the extraordinary gift of witnessing the birth of a woman’s voice. As a WomanSpeak Coach, my favorite thing about leading this work is the way each woman gets to uniquely bring all of who she is to the microphone.
As a result of leading this work, I witness growth before my eyes. Not only in my clients, but also in myself. I too have spoken up more and opened to being more visible. The WomanSpeak tools have greatly helped me in clarifying my own message and trusting the wisdom of my body.”
Become A WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach!
I had been facilitating circles and leading workshops for thousands of women in Singapore. My work there revolved around empowering women through my weekly circles and workshops. I stopped in 2013 because my path was evolving in a way that’s different than I originally thought. I took a break for about 3 years while I allowed myself to organically transition.
Then, I moved to the USA – new country, new culture, no friends. I was yearning to connect with like-minded, like-hearted women. I longed to be in a circle with women who are willing to be real and vulnerable, women who dare to discover and tell their personal truth.
When I saw KC’s email last September about starting a WomanSpeak Circle, I instantly felt called. I felt more than ready to participate in creating a world where women are fully authentic and rooted in their power and truth.
Today, I can confidently say that I am a better facilitator and leader because of WomanSpeak. I am more connected to myself, I am braver, I speak up more, I trust myself more, I understand my body more and more… all this because of constantly leading and practicing the teachings of WomanSpeak.
The thirst for feminine connection has been quenched, too. The women who come to the circles are courageous, real, intelligent, and unconditionally supportive. Christians and Muslims, lesbians and bisexuals, we all support, celebrate and see each other in the most beautiful way. To witness each of these women speak in front of the group and to see the transformation that happens has been one of the most fulfilling events of my life. I am beyond grateful for the existence of WomanSpeak™.
The last few years I have been facilitating circles for women because I am passionate about holding sacred space for women to be authentic. Yet, something was missing… I didn’t know what it was until I became a WomanSpeak leader.
The biggest treasure of being a WomanSpeak facilitator is that I don’t feel alone anymore. I am now part of a global movement to help women speak their authentic truths. This message feels very important in today’s world and motivates me to spread the word with all the women that I meet every day in a very organic way that feels natural to me. Being part of something bigger than I am, that is bringing so much value into the world (Women’s voices!) brings so much ease into the action part of marketing in a business.
In addition, Kc Baker has provided all of us leaders with a golden proven curriculum (that works!) so that I don’t have to re-create it! I just have to bring my own essence/flavor to my circle and attract my ideal members. She created the feminine structure and I create the flow, what a powerful co-creation!
This is the new paradigm! Besides the curriculum, as a leader, we are provided a sales page, links to register for our intro nights and to become members, flyers to promote, training and support from the WomanSpeak team , and support and sharing from other WomanSpeak leaders in our private facebook group.
Making additional revenue feels like a bonus because honestly I would volunteer to do this work in the world. The model of commissions is very generous , non- competitive and such a win/win for all involved financially and evolutionary!
My experience in my circle has touched my heart so deeply to watch my members transform right before my eyes in such a short amount of time. When I ask them if they have experienced any changes in their lives they are quick to say YES and go on to tell me that they have noticed: more clarity in their message, more clarity in expressing themselves to others, more confidence in delivering their message both on stage and in conversations, more connection not only in our circle but with others.
I believe this is because their heart feels like it has opened up more due to them feeling more safe in the world as a result of our meeting 2x per month consistently. We are-programming our old beliefs from not trusting other women and ourselves to feeling so connected again especially to ourselves and our truth. Here’s to CLARITY – CONFINDENCE – CONNECTION!
Our circle has co-created such a strong community of support for each other. The members value the celebrations and reflections because it reflects back to them their brilliance and how they appear to others in the world, supporting them in owning their own brilliance. Where else can you find this? As a leader, it seems that I am receiving all the same benefits as all of them! Very interesting! I wasn’t expecting that at all, Bonus!!
From the first time I heard KC speak I was on fire with her mission and her message. I knew I wanted to work with her to free my own voice and share my own message. Life had other plans. My mother was terminally ill and it was all consuming.
Just as I was returning to life following her death the call for Circle leaders came to my in box. I knew I had to do it. While I was excited to generate extra income each month working with passionate women stepping into their power I was thrilled at the opportunity to learn the WomanSpeak method from the inside out. I’ve received so much more than I ever could’ve expected.
In the course of training and working as a Circle Leader I have grown tremendously. I’ve gained skills and made mindset shifts that continue to empower me personally and in my business.
An added bonus is our WomanSpeak Leader’s group, which is a wonderful sisterhood of women who support and uplift each other.
I love leading my WomanSpeak Circle. The WomanSpeak process is so transformational. I love watching the women blossom and grow. Watching them learn to trust and express themselves is such an honor. I’ve witnessed members take bold steps in their personal lives and deliver amazing talks in our Circle.
I always come away feeling energized and expansive after each Circle. We have so much fun even as we dig deep.
I highly recommend WomanSpeak Circle Leadership. You will be part of the most wonderful sisterhood of powerful and passionate women making their mark on the world. You’ll be doing groundbreaking work and you’ll receive so much personal growth and professional satisfaction.
I became a WS Circle leader for a number of reasons.
I was passionate about supporting other women in finding their voices and sharing their message.
In leading our Circle for the last many of months, I have been blown away with the results the women in my Circle are experiencing during the evening and… the ripple effects of the techniques through the rest of their personal and professional lives is profound. I just want every woman I know to experience what we are experiencing.
WomanSpeak has quickly become one of the favourite aspects of my coaching business. I’m witnessing miracles every fortnight as the women in our circle blossom into confident speakers. The training provided by KC and team is top notch and the ongoing level of support and connection from our leader community is incredible. The fact that I get paid to be part of this worldwide movement is a bonus!
Become A WomanSpeak Circle Leader & Coach!
Because I’m pioneering a new concept in a very set industry, it can be frustrating trying to explain my philosophy and methods to those whose minds are set. In WomanSpeak there is a grace where I feel comfortable expanding and playing with different ideas and words. Speaking out loud to others enables me to fine tune not only presentations but my day to day talk track.
These circles are great for getting me in my body and connected to my message. That’s good! Because that’s where my truth is and the story begins. I have found when I stand before my circle members feeling free to speak and flow it anchors to my memory and ready for recall. It’s a whole-person experience. And it’s upping my game and giving me the confidence to be more brave and bold.
In the WomanSpeak Circle, I have discovered not only am I a new segment in an old standard, but I am starting a much bigger movement.
Joining Women’s Speak is the best decision I have made for my business. Since I have joined, I have accepted speaking engagements at the Lincoln Memorial, started doing webinars, and turned around my 10% conversion rate for workshops to 100% in five months.
Although, I had been live streaming for almost a year when I joined, I wanted to propel my speaking to the next level and knew that I needed training. At the meetings, I have learned to use my nerves as a life force in my speaking, to connect with my audience and to engage them from an abundant heart.
Whether you are a female entrepreneur or just looking to increase your confidence, Women’s Speak is an integral part of evolving as a woman.
I’ve always struggled with opening up in a group. Being vulnerable and the center of attention is a big issue with me. Being in around the kind lovely ladies in WomanSpeak San Diego has allowed me to have my voice back. I have opened up more and it feels really good. I’ve realized that I do have something to say and most importantly, people want to hear me. Angela our leader, is so positive and gently nudges us on, which is something I need. My biggest accomplishment so far is feeling more confident and vocal not just at WomanSpeak but at other groups and everyday life. It’s so liberating. Thank you Angela and WomanSpeak.
I joined WomanSpeak because I wanted to enhance my ability to impactfully share my message with others and to have the confidence and motivation to seek out opportunities to do so. Through WomanSpeak I am quickly gaining confidence, tools, amazing friendships, and actively lining up speaking opportunities. WomanSpeak is a powerful program designed to bring forth the voices that will change our world for the better… and oh boy, do we need that!
I have been an educator, trainer and speaker for many years, involved in so many platforms to better my technique, be more magnetic, speak to inspire, get the right formula, etc, etc. And frankly, it has been great but exhausting. It wasn’t until I came to Woman Speak that I felt for the first time in my life that I could sit with all those valuable tools, give myself permission to keep only what works for me, let go of what doesn’t and stay so true to myself. Authentic and even vulnerable when it comes up. What a relief!! I feel seen for my brilliance, not for the script that I have perfectly crafted. Im still working on it, but I do feel the incredible shift on stage, with my clients even in my conversations with my teenage daughter. I am amazed at how the meetings flow from one incredible story to another, bringing so much growth in so many levels, plus the beauty of the sisterhood that connects us all, during the meeting as well as outside of them. I am forever grateful to be a part of WomanSpeak, looking forward to more!
WomanSpeak allowed me the space and support to own my wisdom, trust my voice, and embrace my essence. I gained the clarity and confidence I needed to share my unique message in whatever venue Life offers, from the dinner party to the storytelling stage. An incredibly divine experience!
As a manager in the high tech industry in Silicon Valley, I often find myself working amongst men in technology who treat less technical roles with lack of respect (a challenge for the only 19% of women who are in technology compared to the 81% of men), and therefore find myself holding my voice back. I enrolled in KC Baker’s work because I know my value and uniqueness in what I bring to the industry, but struggled with my communication in sharing my voice. Coming back to the work this week has been effortless for me to share my ideas and voice, and I am surprised by how quickly I was able to implement KC’s teachings! Thank you KC, I am eternally grateful.
I joined WomanSpeak Circles because I knew that my utter terror of public speaking (and that’s not an exaggeration) would hold me back in the future, and had caused me significant anxiety in the past. I had absolutely no idea that the Circle would help me in so many other ways. In just three meetings, I am amazed at the change in myself, that I also see reflected in our other members. I am in awe of the wisdom of these women; both Chantal and my fellow Circle members. I have learned so much about the way women can work together, support each other and heal each other. I have laughed, cried and been utterly moved by the stories and wisdom that is shared each Circle. Although I am still very nervous, I am so excited when I get to attend a Circle, and I am so looking forward to learning more and more. I am stunned by how far I have come in such a short time and therefore can now look forward at the next topics that we are working on. I absolutely love our Circle and I am so grateful for the support and encouragement I receive every meeting, and get to give in return. Can’t recommend it highly enough.