I want you to have the absolute freedom from within to share your voice & your wisdom with the world, and to be seen and heard on far reaching levels.
I want you to have a rockin’ talk that does full justice to the importance of your message. One that has the power to move people. One that you totally OWN.
And then, I want the world to hear you.

This is the power of public speaking: through your voice, you can give in epic proportions to this world.

If fear or self-doubt has been holding you back, it’s time to move through it.

Let’s make art together out of your voice, and forever change the world in the process.


You feel it in your bones. It is time to write the talk you were born to give, the one the world has been waiting for. This virtual speech writing & public speaking training course – Speak Up for Your Business – will set you up with the world class guidance and support you need.
Being surrounded with women with such rich and inspiring stories was humbling. I’ve never been so attentively listened to before. I’ve never felt so cared for. I’ve never experienced such urgency to speak my truth.
Natasha Vorompiova

Founder, Systems Rock

The community:  PHENOMENAL. This course is renowned for its ongoing celebrative, supportive culture. The women are devoted to you emerging – big time – with your voice and your message in the world. And that’s exactly what happens: the women’s messages in this community thrive, and yours will too.

Holy Flippin’ Firecrackers! Literally, after KC’s course I was surprised to find a long line of ideal new clients & an invitation to speak for TEDx Women. And I’m prepared for it, because KC brings a background of rigorous coaching, ridiculous personal training, & so much commitment to her vision of women as iconic leaders.
Maya Corinne

TEDx Speaker, Founder of MoonStorm Sessions

The process: EFFECTIVE. You’ll be guided through the simple, yet deeply effective process for crafting your talk in a way that not only does your message justice, but is also designed and delivered so that people can really GET IT, be moved by it, then turn around and share it with other people. 


Throughout the Speak Up for Your Business course, we created the entire structure of my talk, beginning to end. The result: a knock-out first-time performance and a request to repeat the speech in Brazil, San Francisco and NYC.
Priscilla Stephan

Chief Wellness Ambassador, Sweet Path Wellness

The leadership & guidance: BRILLIANT. KC Baker is renowned for her uncanny ability to listen for, elicit, and give structure to the gems of wisdom that live in your voice and your story.

KC Baker’s work in the world helps women reclaim the power of their voices—brilliantly.
Dr. Christiane Northrup

New York Times Bestselling Author, "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom"


KC Baker is an international women’s thought leadership and public speaking trainer, speechwriter, and two-time TEDx speaker who has clients such as Microsoft, Forbes, BMW, and McKinsey & Co. An Ivy League grad, former buttoned-up investment banker and legislative assistant to two US Senators, KC’s own struggle to claim her true voice triggered a decade-long spiritual and vocational quest. She blends Eastern philosophy, tantric energy practices, and spiritual inquiry into the way she supports women in finding the freedom to stand up and speak boldly from the heart. Women who have worked with KC to develop & deliver their talks have gone on to speak on stages such as TEDx, The American Heart Association, Bioneers, Emerging Women, Wisdom 2.0, Success 3.0, and more. KC has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Love, The San Francisco Chronicle, Women 2.0, and has been hailed as “One of the Top Planetary Changemakers” by Origin Magazine. She lives in Northern California with her family.


I knew when I heard her speak at TEDxWomen SF that she was my speaking coach. Like so many angels who have shown up in my life, there she was to usher me into claiming my voice, as a woman, a New York Times Bestselling Author and as the matriarch to the Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff legacy.

KC taught me how to write and powerfully deliver an impactful speech for The American Heart Association, where I was the lead keynote speaker for 2012, a recent TEDx talk and many others.

I adore her for many reasons. Among them, my ability to be authentic to my message while standing on the platform my husband left for me.


New York Times Bestseller, Speaker and Co-Author (along with her late husband, Richard Carlson) of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series, the number #1 top selling self help book series in history.

I have to say that I wouldn’t nail Fox News Channel hits each week without KC.


New York Times Bestseller, Speaker and Co-Author (along with her late husband, Richard Carlson) of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series, the number #1 top selling self help book series in history.

KC analyzed my TED Talk and showed me where and how I had squandered the impact of my “diamond insights”. I am on a tight budget, but this was the best investment I have ever made in myself.


TED Speaker, First Woman to Row Three Oceans, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year 2010

Working with KC is one of the highest-impact decisions I’ve ever made for my business.

Clarifying the core of my message, then birthing it into the world through a talk and on my site, has had me feeling more confident and aligned than ever before. Feeling this difference within myself has had me step into leadership and make a bigger difference for others. I craved this clarity for years, and found it in just a few weeks. KC is brilliance!


Speaker & Founder of Fierce, Fabulous & Free

I have to brag that I was asked to give the keynote address at the NYU School of Midwifery Graduation ceremony last week! I’m so grateful to KC Baker because I wasn’t nervous at all, was able to craft it with ease and really spoke from my heart!

And if that weren’t enough, I was surprised and deeply honored at the end of the event to be presented with the Koko Roy Award for Contributing Meaningful Work to Women’s Health. So full right now!!


Speaker & Founder of Choices in Childbirth


Come away with your epic talk, the one that positions you as a true thought leader for your work and message
Craft a talk that is approximately 18-20 minutes long (for those of you ready for TED & TEDx) and that can be expanded to a 45-60 minute keynote. This is what is known as an “accordian style” talk;
Receive recorded “Work Your Talk” calls with KC to support you in writing and refining your talk;
Engage with and experience the celebratory support of your fellow lady speechwriters and speakers in the course’s private yet very active Facebook forum, where you will practice sharing your message and receive brilliant celebration & refinement of your talk;
As your final project, give your talk to a live audience of friends or colleagues in your community;
Transform your fear and self-doubt about public speaking into grace, poise and authentic confidence, through KC’s unorthodox and radically effective practices;
Learn how to deliver your message powerfully, purely, and in a way that deeply moves and motivates your listeners;
Receive KC’s guidance during this process, via recorded audio training calls & over 30 professional training videos;
Get direction on how to set yourself up with your own speaking engagement, how to fill it & how to professionally film it so you can use that footage to promote your message, your business and create a speaker reel;
Learn how to create your own speaker page for marketing purposes on your website;
Receive reliable techniques and secrets for landing speaking engagements, including email and phone scripts

You will walk away from this program with a strong talk that is true to who you are and that communicates the impact you want to have on this world; the confidence and clarity to deliver it powerfully; and the know-how to get your message out there and be heard.

This week I have made my debut as a professional inspirational speaker by being the keynote speaker at 8 “Pink Power” speaking events talking to about 1200+ people about my breast cancer journey (3x sur-THRIVER) and what others can do based on what I learned.

When I got home, I received a text from the overall coordinator that said: “Reviewed all 180 evaluations. All ‘excellent’. Less than 10 ‘goods’.”
Big thanks to KC Baker. With her love and support, I refined my signature talk and have totally rocked it.


Speaker, Author, Consultant and 3x Breast Cancer Survivor

As a result of the course, I am now selling higher end 3 month group programmes of $5000 per person – due to the credibility I have gained through speaking.


Coach & Author of I’m Back: How to get your passion, purpose & identity back when your kids go to school

My experience with KC was fantastic, way beyond my expectations. I thought I just wanted help polishing up a talk that I’d already worked on, but I ended up with a) a much different, much better talk, b) a lot of important practical coaching on stage presence & connecting with audience, and most importantly, c) a way to make my talk really MY talk – much more personal and therefore far more powerful.

Working with KC has made it easy for me to expand my speaking engagements (I landed the keynote address for the East Coast Bioneers Conference – Magic!) and to develop more content and presence around the same core ideas. I now have a book contract, bigger and better consulting engagements, and clear plans for expanding my work in related areas, all linked back to that first essential talk that I developed with KC.


Founder & CEO of HoneyBee Capital

Partaking in KC Baker’s speech writing course was one of the best investments, in both time and money, that I’ve made during my career.

KC approached the process with compassion, editorial wisdom and a deep understanding of the unique message I was aiming to relay. Crafting that message of leadership and delivering it on stage allowed for a powerful transformation that has enabled me to step more profoundly in front of my audience in the past year. That speech has become the platform from which I consistently speak. Thank you KC for opening the door!


Speaker, Functional Nutritionist and Founder of Replenish PDX and Holistic Nutrition Lab

This is not a traditional speech writing class by any means. It’s really about finding and speaking your truth in a way that others will be hanging on the edge of their seats to hear your every word.


Speaker, Functional Nutritionist and Founder of Replenish PDX and Holistic Nutrition Lab



Over 30 Training Videos & Recorded Audio Training Calls with KC. Learn everything you need to write the talk you were born to give. As a member of the course, you will receive her strategic guidance, refinement, and exercises to craft a strong thought leadership based talk. You can use these techniques in the future for every talk you create going forward.
Recorded Audio “Work Your Talk” calls with KC. Listen as KC works 1-on-1 with women in crafting their talks. Get your pen and paper ready because as you listen to her teachings, you will have tons of ideas about your own your talk.
Exclusive Training Material & Videos on KC’s Public Speaking Practices & Techniques. KC has developed public speaking practices that are just for women, and they are wildly effective. No one else gets this material in any of KC’s online courses. Just for you. Learn KC’s unorthodox practices, techniques and “rituals”, for being powerful, authentic, captivating, clear & charismatic on stage.
Complementary, Effective Guidance on Landing Speaking Engagements. If you work them, they work. Get the step by step instructions and email & phone scripts that you need to get speaking engagements.
Private Community Facebook Forum with KC & Members of the Course. This one is just enormous. The community in the culture of KC’s work is off the hook in terms of support and connection. This will be the place where you share parts of your talk and get celebration and refinement, as well as where you will make life long relationships and business connections.
Complementary Training on How to Create Your Own Speaking Engagement. Don’t wait for others to invite you to their stage – create your own. Get the details on how to set it up, who to invite, and what kind of film crew you need.
Complementary Instruction on Creating A Speaker Page that WORKS. Essential for marketing yourself.

Total Membership Value $34,500

Total Membership Investment: $1997

A Love Note


If you are feeling the pull of “Yes!! I want this!”, but nagging fears of not having enough money or time are pulling at you, let me tell you a little story.

For years I struggled financially, and was always busy up the wazoo “workin’ it” to make ends meet. I turned down many opportunities to invest in my voice, my message and my mission in the world because I was worried about money and time. The result: I continued feeling held back in getting my message out into the world & resistant to taking on big opportunities to do so…and I was pretty broke.

And then – I finally took a leap and invested in some solid voice training and in education that would allow me to really take my mission and my work where I wanted it to go. It was a huge scary leap for me financially and also because I was just scared to step into this next level of putting myself out into the world.

The tides turned for my personal level of contribution to the world and my income once I made that decision. I remember my work got rockin’ once I started sharing my core message and ideas in my marketing copy and once I started getting out there to speak at public events. It’s really true that what you value most is where you put your money and time.

And then, one morning, I realized I was super low on funds. I had been delivering on work but not marketing. I had a moment when I could have fallen down the same rabbit hole of panic I had fallen down so many times in the previous years. But instead, I realized something in that moment that has forever changed my life:

I realized that I would never have to worry about money again. All I ever had to do was get out there, and share from my heart what I believe in and my innovative ideas that I knew transformed people’s lives, and people would come work with me. That’s what I had started experiencing ever since I made that first initial investment and commitment in my voice and my business. And it’s what I experience today.

The moral of the story: I realized the source of money in my life was my voice, my message, and how I can serve people. Whenever I needed to bring in more income, all I had to do was speak up and serve.
It was one of THE most empowering realizations I’ve ever had.

If you have concerns about finances, consider investing in your real moneymaker: your voice and your message. Break the patterns of scrambling to make ends meet, holding back on your deepest longing to speak up and serve, and spending money on stuff that won’t set you free to serve on far reaching levels like your voice & your message will.

Invest in your voice, and you will step into a level of power to create contribution and wealth on your own terms like you have never known before.

In regards to time concerns, I want to take a moment here to mention something the ever-so-wise Tony Robbins once said that stuck with me, and has proven to be a huge help for me, my partner David and many of my super successful business women & men friends.

He said, more or less, that it’s focusing on the “highly important yet non urgent” things in life that will take us the furthest in our desires and our work in the world.

These are the super high leverage things that, when you do them, they will pay off in spades. (For example: getting crystalline clear on your message & finding the total freedom to get out there and share it, and as a result, being known for what you stand for, attracting a loyal tribe, being asked to speak at big events, having a big growth in demand for your work, and experiencing huge levels of contribution.)

HOWEVER, these highly important things are “non urgent”. They are things that if you didn’t do them, you would probably stay just where you are in life. They won’t put out fires, and they probably won’t put food on your table today.

But if you spend that little extra time to do those “highly important non-urgent things”, they will pay you off big time and put food on your table for a long time to come. It requires a forward vision. It requires wanting and planning on doing something truly great with your life and your work in the world. If you want that, then you need to do the highly important yet non-urgent things.

I know for me, I need to have some accountability and some fun with my girlfriends if I’m going to do this highly important yet non-urgent kind of stuff, so that’s why I created Speak Up for Your Business.

I created this for you so that you can have the accountability to do this high leverage work to clarify, own and put your best ideas into the talk you feel you were born to give. I break the work up so it’s easy and doable even in the midst of all the other things you have going on in your life (and trust me – I know it’s a lot).

Key point here: don’t let time concerns right now hold you back. There may never be a perfect or awesome time to do this when it’s all spacious and clear.

Decide to invest your time in this endeavor, and your life will automatically create space for you to complete on it. Powerful doors will open as a result. It’s amazing how that works.


I blush to report that the organizer said it was his favorite Ignite talk ever, and they are considering me to speak for TEDxCardiff, my dream! People said I had the room in the palm of my hand. Everyone was riveted, and I thought YES… KC taught us to own the stage.


Speaker & Author of Sick Chick to Trail BlazerAwards include Future Young Leader of Wales Award, Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2015. Also featured in The Times and Huffington Post.

In the months since the program, I’ve taken on a new level of confidence that has allowed me to quickly create amazing opportunities for my business. I’ve landed nearly 30 speaking opportunities.


Speaker & Founder of Bashful to Bold

KC has the power and the passion to transform people into legendary speakers.


Speaker, Founder & Author of Second Firsts

Woo-hoo! I just got accepted to speak at the 45th annual AASECT National Conference!


Speaker & Founder of Jessica Drummond.com, leading expert on women, girls and hormones

Through her deep meditations, tantra teaching, life inquiry, and perfomance challenges, I was able to tap into my core female essence, and learn how to perform with confidence, grace & elegance.


Founder, Speaker & CEO of PLAY Concierge, Inc.

KC is a powerful voice in the world for women. She is a living demonstration of what is possible when a woman connects with her deep truth and deep soul’s purpose.


Author, Speaker & Founder of Mamagena’s School of Womanly Arts

I got cold called and booked for a keynote in Michigan. Those skills and videos pay off!


Speaker & Founder of 33 Dresses and Truly Accomplished


Is this right for me even if I’m starting out?

Yes. When I began my mission and my business, I did not have a website. I started by speaking wherever women were gathering, and through that, I ended up with private clients, filled my first speechwriting course, and received more invitations to speak. Word about me and my message began to spread. I did not end up with a website until 9 months after I began my work! By that time I was already making over $10,000 per month. And I’m an ordinary woman with a burning message and desire to serve and make a good living – just like you.I’m not guaranteeing this exact same thing will happen for you, but what I am saying is that speaking publicly is THE highest leverage thing you can do to spread your message, become known for it, and build your business. There is a certain trust people feel of those who speak from the public stage. It is the domain of leadership. Do this from the get go and you will make major inroads quickly to having your mission and business grow.I’ve seen this with countless women I’ve worked with. Investing the time and energy to write the talk of their dreams has supported them in landing speaking engagements, building their business more quickly than if they had spent hours and hours in front of the computer, and finding the clarity in their message that comes through in everything else they produce in terms of content. Get out there and speak, even from the get go. Don’t hide. You have something deeply valuable to share – you know it, and it’s time.

Is this right for me even if I’ve been speaking for 10 years and am already successful with my business?

If you are wanting to truly step into thought leadership and be known for your ideas, yes. Definitely. There is a difference between having a successful business and holding a position in the world as a known leader who is sharing transformative ideas & wisdom. If you know that stepping into thought leadership is the next evolution of your work & service in the world, then this will give you what you need to claim that. Furthermore, tons of women come to me who have been extremely successful in their businesses, foundations, etc, but still feel held back from really going for it in getting their message out into the world because they are afraid of public speaking, or feel self doubt about sharing a new flavor of their message. We are always crossing new thresholds in our work. This will support you in walking into this new dimension of your work & your leadership in the world.

I’ve seen this be the case with many women who have worked with me who have been successful in their work, and perhaps have been awesome from selling from the stage, but are now ready to really become known for their ideas. It’s a different style and flavor of a talk that we write in this course – one that is centered on the central gift that you are here to offer in terms of your ideas, and it will raise you to a different level of respect and leadership in your field.

I’m already out there speaking, but I’m not getting the results I want. Will this course help me?

If you know the next step for you in your speaking is to amplify your authentic charisma and style, and to embrace more of your femininity in how you lead and communicate (which is not only nourishing for ourselves, but totally enthralling), then yes.

If you still feel jitters and just plain don’t enjoy the build up of all that nervousness before speaking, or think you could be more effective in your speaking, then yes.

Let’s take your speaking to the next level (and have a great time in the process!)

I’m really busy in my business and with my personal life right now. How much time will this require? Can I manage it?

First of all, I totally get this question. This is probably the biggest question I ask about everything I take on in my life right now because frankly, my life is FULL!! So, I’ve really paid attention to this in how I structure the course. Plus, all the women I attract to this work are movers & shakers. They are running businesses, raising families, jetting around the world. Time is a precious and rare commodity, as I’m sure it is for you too. So, I have had to structure this course with that in mind. Read on.

Doing the work in this course is going to take you places that you dream of going in your level of contribution and in your work in the world. It’s going to serve you on far reaching levels in getting clear on your message, and finding the freedom to get out there and boldly give it.

If you read my Love Note above, I talk about the importance of doing “highly important, non urgent” things if you want your life to really take off in the ways you long.

As such, this course has been structured in a way that allows you to do this even with a busy schedule.

I’ve broken the weekly assignments down into manageable sections.You will have anywhere from 20min-90 min per week of doing the weekly assignments. Some of you might want to spend more time, but I teach it in a way that gets you super focused and super clear, cutting out all the “extra stuff.”

If you are the type of person who is interested in this work, then I guarantee you are a person who has a very full life and not a ton of spaciousness in your schedule. I encourage you to take the Time concern out of the equation and just do it. Once you commit, your life will make the space for this commitment, and the impact for you in your life in doing this work will be worth it.

Will I have access to this material after the course to support me in writing future talks?

Absolutely! It’s yours…Once you take this course, you’ll have a tried and true format for writing future talks that will belong to you forever.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Contact our Client Care Team at: support@womanspeak.com

One last important note:

I want you to be 100% confident in your investment.
I offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you show that you did every single assignment, and that you participated full out and yet you were not satisfied, I will refund your money.
So, there is nothing to lose in signing up to do this work with me,
and so incredibly much that can be gained.

Take a stand for your voice.

From seeing the many, many women who’ve gone through this program to launch successful speaking careers, or take their talks for TED, TEDX, American Heart Association, Bioneers, Wisdom 2.0, and others to the next level or speak in local communities, we can safely, confidently say: this program works.
During this course, you’ll receive tried & true guidance on the development of the talk you were born to give. You’ll walk away with the authentic power, beauty, clarity and freedom to give it your ALL.

THAT is the promise and the power of this course.

Get ready to have your voice and your mission explode in the world.