Where Women Learn the Art & Soul of Public SpeakingTHE QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA CIRCLE

Kiri White
Circle Leader
Kiri is an amazing woman who teaches you how to find your voice. She has a Master’s Degree and is a mother of 4 who has been coaching women to see their true potential for 2 decades. Kiri is an inspiring public speaker whose dedication to the common good has touched 1000’s of lives.
Contact Kiri to learn more about her and her Circle.
Unleashing the brilliance of women's voices is the key to positive change in our world.
WomanSpeak’s unique curriculum is designed to support women in becoming clear, confident and influential in their speaking. It’s effective, transformative and fun. WomanSpeak’s practices have been featured and taught at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Women@Microsoft, TEDxWomen, and more. Circles are happening all across the United States and in 7 countries, and we are growing quickly.
What Is WomanSpeak?
This is not your typical public speaking training program.
Most public speaking training programs foster a more masculine model of leadership and professionalism training. While effective for some women, far too many feel they don’t fit the mold or have to become more like men or suppress parts of themselves in order to be taken seriously and be effective as leaders.
It’s time for a public speaking training that supports women in harnessing the power and wisdom of their bodies, and in being fully who they are, as they stand up to speak, lead and change our world!
Our unique practices help women to re-wire their nervous systems so that speaking up becomes an experience of safety, power, joy and freedom.
WomanSpeak Circles are led with true celebration and support.
The women celebrate and support each other in speaking up and exercising leadership & power in their careers.
WomanSpeak addresses the unique fears and doubts women have about sharing their voices.
Women feel safe to fully be themselves, to be seen and heard, and to share their ideas.
Women and their voices blossom in this kind of environment and culture.
We include curriculum that supports women in clarifying and owning the value of their ideas.
We teach women how to prepare and deliver talks, presentations and communications that move, impact and influence their listeners.
Public talks on stages
Presentations at work
One-on-One conversations (business and personal)
Group/team meetings
Fundraising conversations and more...
We deal with the unique challenges that come up for women around sharing their voices in front of men.
We provide a very supportive and celebratory environment.
In working with WomanSpeak, I've learned to celebrate women first, and then offer refinements. I now feel less timid raising my hand in a classroom, and have lost the desire to overthink how something will come across. I feel confident in successfully reading a room because I trust my intuition more. I now feel utterly comfortable speaking, and trust my body as a part of my truth. Professionally, I am speaking regularly AND often. I hold a confidence that facilitates a conversation between brain and body. I use my nerves as fuel towards speech and storytelling. Since joining WomanSpeak I have been on numerous panels, spoken at conferences and now feel comfortable and grounded while speaking.
Joining Women's Speak is the best decision I have made for my business. Since I have joined, I have accepted speaking engagements at the Lincoln Memorial, started doing webinars, and turned around my 10% conversion rate for workshops to 100% in five months. Although, I had been live streaming for almost a year when I joined, I wanted to propel my speaking to the next level and knew that I needed training. At the meetings, I have learned to use my nerves as a life force in my speaking, to connect with my audience and to engage them from an abundant heart. Whether you are a female entrepreneur or just looking to increase your confidence, Women's Speak is an integral part of evolving as a woman.
I’ve always struggled with opening up in a group. Being vulnerable and the center of attention is a big issue with me. Being in around the kind lovely ladies in WomanSpeak San Diego has allowed me to have my voice back. I have opened up more and it feels really good. I’ve realized that I do have something to say and most importantly, people want to hear me. Angela our leader, is so positive and gently nudges us on, which is something I need. My biggest accomplishment so far is feeling more confident and vocal not just at WomanSpeak but at other groups and everyday life. It’s so liberating. Thank you Angela and WomanSpeak.
I joined WomanSpeak because I wanted to enhance my ability to impactfully share my message with others and to have the confidence and motivation to seek out opportunities to do so. Through WomanSpeak I am quickly gaining confidence, tools, amazing friendships, and actively lining up speaking opportunities. WomanSpeak is a powerful program designed to bring forth the voices that will change our world for the better... and oh boy, do we need that!
I have been an educator, trainer and speaker for many years, involved in so many platforms to better my technique, be more magnetic, speak to inspire, get the right formula, etc, etc. And frankly, it has been great but exhausting. It wasn’t until I came to Woman Speak that I felt for the first time in my life that I could sit with all those valuable tools, give myself permission to keep only what works for me, let go of what doesn’t and stay so true to myself. Authentic and even vulnerable when it comes up. What a relief!! I feel seen for my brilliance, not for the script that I have perfectly crafted. Im still working on it, but I do feel the incredible shift on stage, with my clients even in my conversations with my teenage daughter. I am amazed at how the meetings flow from one incredible story to another, bringing so much growth in so many levels, plus the beauty of the sisterhood that connects us all, during the meeting as well as outside of them. I am forever grateful to be a part of WomanSpeak, looking forward to more!
WomanSpeak allowed me the space and support to own my wisdom, trust my voice, and embrace my essence. I gained the clarity and confidence I needed to share my unique message in whatever venue Life offers, from the dinner party to the storytelling stage. An incredibly divine experience!
As a manager in the high tech industry in Silicon Valley, I often find myself working amongst men in technology who treat less technical roles with lack of respect (a challenge for the only 19% of women who are in technology compared to the 81% of men), and therefore find myself holding my voice back. I enrolled in KC Baker's courses because I know my value and uniqueness in what I bring to the industry, but struggled with my communication in sharing my voice. While in this workshop, KC exposed us to very highly successful entrepreneurial men (with strong opinions who still respected women's voices) at the table. It was so enlightening to hear their perspective and get refinements from both the men and women in the group. Coming back to the work this week has been effortless for me to share my ideas and voice, and I am surprised by how quickly I was able to implement KC's teachings! Thank you KC, I am eternally grateful.

Kiri White
Circle Leader
Kiri is an amazing woman who teaches you how to find your voice. She has a Master’s Degree and is a mother of 4 who has been coaching women to see their true potential for 2 decades. Kiri is an inspiring public speaker whose dedication to the common good has touched 1000’s of lives.
Contact Kiri to learn more about her and her Circle.